How To Install DuracellTomi's Google Tag Manager for WordPress Plugin

Log in to your WordPress Admin account. Go to Plugins. Click Add New. Type Google Tag Manager in search bar. Look for DuracellTomi's Google Tag Manager for WordPress. Click Install, then Activate. Go to Settings. Click Google Tag Manager. Input the Google Tag Manager ID. Choose "Footer of the page" as Container Code Placement. Save […]

Request Google Tag Manager Setup

Most web agencies just do a basic setup of Google Analytics and leave it at that. But you're missing out on so much potential data (and analysis) to really quantify the value of what you're doing for your clients. At the very least you should be setting up Analytics goals to track visitor activity. Take […]

PPC Budget Change Form

Getting authorization for a budget change is an overlooked, but vital part of running an account. Enter your details below: [wpforms id="179" title="false" description="false"]

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