Comprehensive Adwords Audit

9 Ways To Get The ROI-Maximizing Power Of Account Analysis

Problem: your Adwords account has been managed by one, or multiple other agencies, and has now become a difficult mess to manage and make future plans on. It has months or years of past activity, and simply “creating a new campaign” is only a band-aid on top of a deeper problem.

Solution: A comprehensive account audit (including fixes).

Audit Goals:

  • Use all previous data to discover our most lucrative targeting to bring forward into future marketing campaigns – cut the rest
  • Pinpoint weaknesses of past campaigns
  • Get rid of the loose fat that’s been building up in your account
  • Make the account easy to manage and understand so we can plan proper future marketing initiatives together

What this is not:

  • Creating new campaigns
  • Planning new marketing initiatives
  • Monthly management/optimization

A comprehensive Adwords audit is not just about analyzing and making recommendations. It’s about restructuring poorly maintained accounts so they’re easy to manage and easy to report on.

You are not just getting recommendations - you are getting action taken on your account to make it a solid foundation to plan our next campaign steps on.

Audit Deliverables:

  • Detailed and easy to understand account report
    • Typically between 500-1,500 words depending on the complexity of the audit
    • Includes actionable recommendations for the future, and actions that were already taken during the audit
    • View a real sample audit here (your audit will likely look very different based on the problems I find in your account, but this at least gives you an idea)
  • Changes to account (as outlined in the report)

We do a lot of technical work that you may not be interested in, but I’ve included here for those who are curious.

Audit Overview:

Here are some of the account items we look at amongst other nitty-gritty items such as scripts and custom audiences. This is not a comprehensive list at all (I realize the irony of that considering this page is called "Comprehensive Adwords Audit", but it's the audit that's comprehensive, not this page).

  • 1. Campaign structure (most difficult and arduous, and most overlooked by agencies)
  • 2. Conversions
    • Tracking types, conversion values
    • Verify installation
    • Call tracking (audit best practices)
  • 3. Ads
    • Check for which ones perform well, which don’t
    • Check ad formats (display)
  • 4. Keywords (delete or save based on performance)
  • 5. Negative keywords
  • 6. Dimensions:
    • Time of day
    • Day of week
    • Locations (micro-segmentation)
  • 7. Bid strategies
  • 8. Google Tag Manager (audit for best practices. Setup not included in the audit, but can be recommended).
    • Google Analytics
    • Remarketing
    • Conversion Tracking
    • Call Tracking
    • Conversion Linker
  • 9. Remarketing audiences


Account audits start at $750 USD. I need to see your account to confirm the scope, but I've found that this rate covers most accounts.

For small accounts that don't need much restructuring, I recommend you skip the audit and just book me for monthly management.

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